Thursday, September 1, 2016

September Releases I'm Most Excited For

September 6th:
As I Descended by Robin Talley - I'm excited to read this retelling of Macbeth by Robin Talley, though I haven't actually read Macbeth.
Girl In Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow - This book is about a tough topic (cutting) and it looks like it will be really good.
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova  - This sounds like a really good diverse fantasy book.

As I DescendedGirl in PiecesLabyrinth Lost (Brooklyn Brujas, #1)

September 13th:
Into White by Randi Pink - This looks like a book that will really address race and racism in an interesting way.  The premise of a black girl becoming white is quite unique.
Phantom Limbs by Paula Garner  - This looks like a powerful read with good friendship and romance.  I have seen many good reviews of this one.
Radical by EM Kokie  - I have read EM Kokie's first book, which was good, and this book looks like it will be really interesting and unlike anything I've read before.

Into WhitePhantom LimbsRadical

September 20th:
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis - This sounds like it will be a powerful read about rape culture.

The Female of the Species
